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I thought I would update you on how my friend in Seattle is getting along.  You prayed for her after she had been diagnosed with Lupus.  Doctors have been testing her and for more than six months there have been no signs of Lupus at all.
-L. O.

One of the sermons Mark preached he prayed for someone who had torment in their mind. And he got everyone to put their heads while he prayed for that person. I did what he said and got a lifting of a mental torment and pressure, part of complex PTSD that I have had for 7 years plus. Thanks, it has encouraged me to stand for wholeness and complete healing. So the anointing flows across the media already.
T., NZ

Mark I want to thank you so much for the revelation of God as My Father.   I’m saying a few of the confessions from the “In Him” and have been using My Father everywhere it said God.  For example:  I cast all of my care upon My Father, for He cares for me; My Father supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory.  It has really made a difference.  I could hardly contain myself.   GLORY!!  He really is My Father!!
CS   (re: message titled The Glory Of Being A Son Of God)

Hi Mark,

I contacted you a while ago to say how much I love your blog on private worship.

I’m a Bible teacher of a weekly class and I thought I would let you know we have been studying Debbie’s testimony of healing from cancer. I copied it for everyone and spent one week going through it in detail and then another discussing points that people brought up.  I love it because it illustrates so well what I try to teach but real life examples are not a big part of most Christian circles here.

The class were very interested in the testimony and I believe it has been highly impacting. Many of them have been sending it on to others as well.  I’ve also been steadily reminding them about your blog and also Dave Roberson’s wonderful book and more of them are getting around to looking them up.

On a personal note, I have been persisting in the spiritual disciplines of worship and other things and am noticing a definite increase in my levels of peace when faced with emotionally trying situations. I often feel like it is a kind of insulation from anything that could get thrown at me, as the ways God has given us to seek Him are so accessible and so simple, they are like a refuge that nobody can take away from you!

Please thank Debbie for us all for sharing her wonderful testimony.

Bless you both,


Hi Mark:  Once again I have to praise the Lord for your timely teaching “No More Condemnation”. Over the last 4 weeks I have had this horrid experience while driving, as this is the time when I listen to teaching. I was actually getting lost and taking wrong turns in areas that I have driven hundreds of times.  I was experiencing so much confusion I thought it may be the onset of dementia.  The only way I could focus and not get confused was to not listen to any teaching. Doing this helped alleviate my confusion and loss of all memory and time while driving to some degree but it did not alleviate the fogginess of my mind and the pressure in my spirit. But, praise God I finally listened to your teaching this morning while driving; all my symptoms are gone. The pressure in my spirit, the loss of my thought process, confusion and panic, all gone thanks to the truth of what has been happening being revealed, I was under a horrid attack of the enemy, the light shone in the darkness and I am free.  Thanks so much for being a good and faithful servant…You are a blessing.

I also should say that I couldn’t pray in tongues while all this was happening but since the deliverance my tongue is loose again. Praise the Lord!

C.I., Australia

Thank you for your message on discouragement…(Be Not Discouraged; Be Conformed) it spoke so much to me. I indeed have been in that place for a few weeks now. I’ve been following the message at the Prayer Center for a good 2-3 years and seems like I’m not looking like I think I should. You spoke by the Holy Spirit with that message. Thanks for following Him when you teach!
God Bless
– John

I thank God for Mark Jenkins Ministries because his teaching on “Private Worship” has been instrumental in my continued growth as a Christian. Debbie’s testimony concerning cancer is so encouraging as I have gone through very traumatic events with my health also. She oozes God’s love. However, I wanted to share about “Private Worship”; at first it was fine then things seemed to get so dry, but one day in the prayer line at The Prayer Center, I was told to “press through” and after service Mark gave me his blog address on Private Worship. I decided to press through even though I didn’t “feel” anything. I heard Mark preaching at The Prayer Center about how God will lead you to meet people to evangelize and not just doing it in your natural ability. That blessed me.  I heard him worship just sitting in the audience and I cried because I heard the sincerity in each phrase of “Jesus, I love you”, “Jesus I worship you”.

My journey began learning of worship several years ago, but not really private worship, so I began my journey. With no music I would pace the floor saying “I love you Jesus, I worship you Jesus” and I began to sense His Presence after while then some days “nothing” it seemed but I kept on and still keep on. Then one day I heard the Lord say “You will meet a young man named John and I want you to tell him about me.”   I walked out into the parking lot and there was a man getting in the car and I was a little nervous but I said “Is there someone who works there by the name of John?” in short he said “My name is John” I was amazed I shared with him about the Lord and after several weeks he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior on the side walk of the building!!!!  Ever since then I have been encouraging him to read material I received from the Prayer Center about the Holy Spirit and I know soon he will be baptized in the Holy Ghost!

So I thank you Mark Jenkins for your transparency in telling of your journey, because your teaching and testimony was a “blue print” for me to follow and learn.  The teachings bear witness with my spirit every time. As I do the “message”, which includes listening to the teachings on “Stay Narrowly Focused” and “Hungry for more Fasting” it encourages me to stay on the path that will keep me in a loving fellowship with God, and the fruit is what blesses me and others.  God bless you.  I am like Timothy when Paul told him in part to 2Tim. 3:14 ‘But continue thou in the things which thou has learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them.’  My prayer is that you and your wife Debbie stay strong and know that God is using you to help many and I am one of them. Blessings to you in Jesus Name. – CB

Hi Mark,

I listened to your Calling in the Lost teaching from April 1st, and was so glad I heard it! The same exact thing you described regarding being on the edge of the Grace the Lord has provided, because you dropped confessing the word from your daily fellowship time, happened to me recently, except it wasn’t in the area of sickness, it was in frustration and peace. Things have been coming at our family from every direction, things with other family members, from hospitals and concussions, to bad weather, to cars breaking down, etc………….well, you get the picture. I had been walking in amazing peace, up until about a week ago. It got to be more frustration. So I asked the Lord about it, and what do you know, but I had that “knowing” you were talking about, knowing that it was the confession combined with worship, and listening and repeating the confessions from Gary Carpenter’s website set to music, that got me to operate in that Grace. I knew it, but He didn’t actually tell me that. It kept coming to me as a picture, several times. Then I heard your teaching, and BAM! I get it! I am so happy God is unlocking things like this, it makes us understand more and more, and I get more excited as the days go on! I get it now, and I will take that back up again, until I truly “believe” it and have the revelation in my spirit, and walk in the peace Jesus has given me, not as the world gives, in fullness!

Thought you might enjoy hearing this!

P.S. Less than a week later, I have implemented this, and have had an incredible increase in peace and joy!! Truth is truth! When we do the things God has given us in His word to mature, we walk in amazing Grace!


Dear Mark & Debbie,

Thank you so much for your ministry. It have transformed my life and my marriage. God has brilliantly used you to speak into my life and articulate hope and faith. You do not know how many times your teachings have encouraged me and motivated me to press on like never before. I am constantly changing and seeing results as I continue to do “the message”. Thank you for being so transparent in sharing your real life experiences. It is that real talk that has helped me to overcome fear & shame and set me on the path to success. It was truly the Holy Ghost speaking through you that loosed me from life long shackles. I am freer than I have ever been in my life. I appreciate your emphasis on fasting. I have been series fasting for over a year now (along with praying in tongues) and have seen dramatic results. I have been able to conquer strongholds and infirmities that have plagued me since childhood. I have a new mind! I have a new life! The old has gone…the new has come! I am so grateful to you and the Prayer Center. I praise God for your life and your diligence to set the captives free. God Bless.

Tracey from NY